Mission Statement

The mission of the MET Orchestra Musicians Fund is to raise funds to provide charitable support and benefits for musicians of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra in the event the musicians are not receiving full compensation from the Opera.

Since MET Orchestra Musicians are currently employed and fully compensated by the MET Opera, the Fund is not accepting donations at this time.

The Board sends our deepest thanks to supporters worldwide whose previous donations in support of the MET Orchestra Musicians were a significant help to many at a difficult time.

With heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all of our supporters

During the pandemic, while the Opera company remained closed, the MET orchestra stayed whole! Because of your incredible generosity, the musicians were able to make it through the 566 work day shut down without pay from the Met Opera. The musicians received support from need based grants administered by the Fund. Numerous individuals, foundations and corporations helped with donations to the fund. The village of support was immense.
To those who gave monetary donations, let musicians use space, helped in myriad ways to produce chamber concerts and events on their behalf, always said yes when we needed help, stepped up out of the blue, wow! We don’t have words other than thank you. Your generosity and support sustained us throughout the difficult times.
At this time the orchestra is back at work and our 501 (c) (3) is not accepting donations. The money that you gave was used to directly assist the Met orchestra musicians. The musicians used their grants for basic needs including rent, food, clothing, mortgage payments, health care gaps, instrument care and child education. These were needs that many of the individual musicians could not cover in the absence of regular pay.
We of course want to remember the musicians  who fell ill and who unfortunately passed away. They and their families are ever present in our thoughts.
The Board holds money in reserve to pay for the on going costs of the 501 (c) (3). That money is overseen and managed by the Board. Should there arise another work stoppage or other applicable circumstance that would meet the criteria set out in our 501 (c) (3) mission statement that qualifies for disbursement of funds, we have funds on account to begin helping musicians at the onset of the qualifying event. Should such an event occur,  we will update that status change on this website and begin taking donations again.
We hope you are continuing to stay healthy.
Thank you once again for your tremendous support and generosity.
The Board of the MET Orchestra Musicians Fund
John Brewer
Ralph Craviso
Debbie Schmidt